Tuesday, August 27, 2019

O&PM Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

O&PM Assignment - Essay Example Below describes how the 4Vs are involved in the business process in the supermarket. Ordering and delivery of goods from suppliers depends on volume of goods that were sold. The amount of goods ordered (volume) usually depends the amount present and the sales records. There can be a situation where the ordered volume of products is high but with a low variety of the same products. An example is when a large volume but small variety of fruits are ordered from suppliers. The demand for each product in a supermarket varies and is very hard to predict, and with not enough inventory space, what the management does is stock less volume of the products with more variety. This is to make sure that there is each variety of a product available for customers as each customer has different preference. It is crucial for a competitive supermarket to make sure they do not run out of each of the variety of products available. Another ‘V’ which is crucial to a supermarket is variation of demand as supermarkets have to cope with changing customer needs during different seasons. Therefore it is ultimately important to have large variety of products. Merchandising or displaying of products in shelves is also important. This is known as visibility. Products should be displayed in a manner that they are highly visible to the customer in order to make it easier for them to find the products. The main idea is to attract customers have many variety of products which are easily visible. Therefore the shelves should be designed in a way that there is a large variety of a certain product in its category on the shelf. Also fast- moving goods should be placed in shelves next to the entrance for convenience of customers (Samson and draft, 2012,56). Retail store orders for goods from warehouse according to need and preference of local customers. Periodically, the store

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